Friday, July 25, 2014

As the political spectrum shifts, suddenly the middle is on the left
The generally conservative Politico ran this very thoughtful commentary recently. 

Click on the link for full text, and here is just a taste to get you interested.

"Bailouts for bankers. When the economic bets made by the wealthiest Americans soured in 2008, the taxpayers picked up the tab….[read more at the link]

Democracy for sale. The wealthy, abetted by the most out-of-touch Supreme Court in many decades, also have been permitted to purchase an outsized voice in American politics….[read more at link]

Gun massacres. I am just sickened by our tendency to accept disturbingly more frequent gun massacres as the price of being an American….

This has all made me shift my thinking, not so much about partisan politics but in feeling a sense of disquiet about both major political parties—and about our entire system….

Where might this all lead? I am no better at predicting the future than anyone else. I think there are many others like me who are just as puzzled….

…At the very least, I hope we will cease to be a nation at ease with torture and inequality, a country that once again steers by its ideals."

Thomas E. Ricks is author of five books about the U.S. military, including Fiasco and The Generals.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cecilia & Colton, seafood, salt and sand.  Hanging with Mom & Dad in the big room.  Red Sox games, card games, paddleball, body surfing, wiffleball, frisbee, and smores. Bonfires and wild turkeys and thunderstorms.

This year included visits to the Saltmarsh.

Dinner for 22 at Jim's.

Whole belly clams at The Old Mill Diner.

Ice cream at Brickley's.

Chowder at the Cove.

Noodles at Luk Thai.

Oysters at Matunucks.

Mom & Dad, Lori & Julie, Ray & Amanda, C&C, Tom & Sarah, Carolyn & Greg, Linda & Paula & Trevor, cousins...

There is something about the shock of diving into the cold surf that cleanses the soul, just for a wonderfully perfect moment

the first sip of a frosty belgian white

washing down that first bite of deep fried clams

amid the hubbub

about great fries, creamy chowdha, pass the wine

sitting next to Jules

Dad on the other side of her

sun setting bathing their faces in warm light

G is off hunting for crabs

Mom and Tom are laughing about nothing in particular

...first BBQ and bonfire at the round house!