Every election is important. Every election we tell ourselves that this one will be the election that defines our generation, because there are only a few public acts of such monumental scope. If you have not yet voted, see my blog from yesterday for links to information on where and when you can vote early...and vote.
President Obama has worked hard to ensure no families lose our homes or savings because we have been denied health insurance, saving millions of jobs by ensuring that GM did not disappear, helping women get paid equally for equal work, ending our war in Iraq and bringing Bin Laden to justice. He has increased our stature on the world stage, presided over more than two years of a consistent increase in jobs each and every month, and most importantly to me, he has and continues to put reaching across the aisle to get things done on the top of his priority list.
He shares our values: American, Christian, and Capitalist. Regardless of whether an idea is a Republican idea (like the individual mandate) or Democratic idea (like the Lilly Ledbetter Act), he is, like most Americans, pragmatic and moderate...just interested in getting the job done, and he did.
Against some of the most difficult odds faced by any president, he delivered. He got things done. We are on a path to recovery. Jobs are growing. Wall Street is booming. Our young men and women are returning from Iraq and soon from Afghanistan to help us rebuild our own roads and bridges and schools. Check out the video as a final statement that is entirely positive and, no matter which candidate you support, remember to vote.
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