Saturday, January 28, 2017

Democratic Opposition
A friend posted this on FB today: In some ways he's making it easy. Every day my resolve to defy and resist grows. Every instinct I might have had to be constructive, to conciliate, to give it time--stomped out, one by one, and not gently. He's used up every chance I might have wanted to give him. In one week.

This captures well how I am feeling.

I was shocked we elected him and oppose many, if not all (so far) of his policy decisions and most of his appointments. We need to stand together, oppose policies we disagree with, passionately, and with even more urgency in a context where the president appears to be ill-informed, impulsive, thin-skinned, and without integrity or honesty. That is my priority.

At the same time, (and here I recognize allies might disagree) I want to only oppose policies and positions and ideas and actions...I do not want to focus on hating one man. I want to oppose in a way that respects and strengthens democratic institutions & processes, like those that elected this man...and perhaps those that might impeach him.

Maybe I am wrong-headed on this, and for me this is not even remotely connected to the sound-bite 'give him a chance,' but I believe we need to do both: oppose his actions and ideas and politics AND do so in a way that respects democratic decision making, institutions, and processes.

And follow the lead of the three million women, because the future is female.

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