A Good Sign...
The Washington
Post conducted a survey of Americans and found that very few of us believe the false claims repeatedly made by President Trump. This is a good
Everyone who
pays close attention to politics has known for years now that most of what he
says is untrue, intentionally misleading, and dangerously misinformed. But most
do not pay close attention to politics. Now we know that a large majority of
Americans (70%) and even a majority of Republicans (60%) have also concluded that
the president is dishonest.
This poll also
confirms that average Americans also see the difference between the ways all
politicians try to frame the news in their favor and this presidents
never-before-seen doubling and tripling down on outright fabrications designed
to hide his incompetence and corruption.
Finally, this
poll confirms yet again that Fox News viewers are much more likely to believe
false claims. Americans seeking to be responsible democratic citizens should
choose to get their news from NPR or one of many amazing daily newspapers (like
the Washington Post). Those who get their news from NPR or a newspaper are
dramatically less likely to believe claims that are inconsistent with the best
available data.
Here is the
full text of the Washington Post article summarizing poll result.
For months,
President Trump has claimed that U.S. Steel has announced plans to build more
than six new plants. Throughout the midterm election, he repeatedly said that
Democrats had signed onto an “open borders” bill. And he has long charged that
millions of fraudulent votes were cast in the 2016 election.
None of these
claims is true. What’s more, most Americans don’t believe them, according to a
new Washington
Post Fact Checker poll.
Fewer than 3 in
10 Americans — including fewer than 4 in 10 Republicans — believe these or
several other prominent claims by the president, according to the poll.
The poll sought
to determine what Americans believe — the truth or the president. The Post has
never conducted this type of poll before and it serves as the most
comprehensive examination of whether Trump’s false and misleading claims have
taken root among the broader American public.
The survey
included 18 pairs of opposing statements — one true, one false — without
identifying who made the statement. Eleven questions gauging belief in false
claims by Trump were mixed among four false claims by Democrats, a true claim
by Trump and two probing other factual statements.
Only among a
pool of strong Trump approvers — about 1 in 6 adults in the survey — did
majorities accept several, though not all, of his falsehoods as true.
False claims
commonly made by Democrats are more widely believed than those made by the
president. For instance, 46 percent of adults incorrectly believe there are
more people in prison for selling or possessing marijuana than for all violent
crimes, an assertion made by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren in June. That
compares with 22 percent who correctly said violent criminals were more common
in prison.
Where Americans
get their information is a significant factor in determining what they believe.
Among adults
who say Fox News is one of their top two sources for political news,
33 percent believe in Trump’s false claims tested in the poll, on average,
compared with 21 percent of those who say Fox is not a main news source.
Americans who
count MSNBC and CNN as one of their top two news sources are somewhat more
likely to reject Trump’s falsehoods but are also more likely to believe false
statements made by Democrats. On average, 44 percent of MSNBC viewers and
40 percent of CNN viewers believe false Democratic claims, compared with
30 percent of those who say MSNBC is not a primary news source and 28 percent
who do not primarily watch CNN.
People who say
NPR or newspapers are one of their top two news sources are among the least
likely to believe false claims by Trump, averaging 16 percent and 17 percent,
The poll finds
that Americans see Trump’s rhetoric as distinctly inaccurate compared with
other politicians and the mainstream media, which Trump regularly derides as
“fake news.” While majorities say each regularly makes misleading statements,
nearly half say Trump makes claims that are “flat-out false,” compared with
less than one-third who say the same of Republicans and Democrats in Congress
or of the mainstream media.
More than 6 in
10 Americans say they believe fact-checking organizations when they conclude
that Trump has made a false claim. Just about half are confident in similar
assertions in newspapers and on cable news.
Since becoming
president, Trump has made 6,420 false or misleading statements through Oct. 30,
including more than 4,400 this year, according to a database maintained by the
Fact Checker.
Unlike many
politicians who will abandon an untrue claim when fact-checked, Trump generally
repeats his falsehoods. To capture this phenomenon, the Fact Checker this week
introduced the Bottomless
Pinocchio, a new category awarded to politicians who repeat a false claim
so many times that they are, in effect, engaging in campaigns of
disinformation. Fourteen of the president’s statements qualify for the list.
One of those —
Trump’s assertion that he has started building his long-promised wall along the
southern border, which he has said nearly 100 times — found little support in
the poll.
The survey
finds that 26 percent of Americans believe the statement, “Construction has
begun on a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.” About twice as many
Americans, 51 percent, accurately selected the description that, “There is
ongoing repair of fencing along the U.S. border with Mexico, but no wall is
being built.” Roughly one-quarter said they were unsure.
Most of Trump’s
base, however, believes that a wall is being built, with 56 percent of those
who strongly approve of Trump’s job performance embracing that assertion.
Overall, 44
percent of Trump’s strongest supporters believe his false claims, while 35
percent of Republicans and 20 percent of Democrats believe them.[A good sign]
The Post poll
also suggests Republicans have grown less concerned about presidents being
honest than they were a decade ago. In 2007, an
Associated Press-Yahoo poll found 71 percent of Republicans saying it
is “extremely important” for presidential candidates to be honest, similar to
70 percent of Democrats and 66 percent of independents. The new Post poll shows
identical shares of Democrats and independents prioritizing honesty in
presidential candidates, but the share of Republicans who say honesty is
extremely important has fallen to 49 percent, 22 points lower than in the
AP-Yahoo poll.
[Not a good sign]
A separate
question in the Post poll finds that clear majorities across party lines say it
is never acceptable for political leaders to make false statements. But
41 percent of Republicans say false claims are sometimes acceptable “in
order to do what’s right for the country,” while 25 percent of Democrats
and 26 percent of independents say the same.
While belief in
false claims by Trump is generally low, the public’s ability to identify a true
alternative varied widely depending on the question, with many saying they were
unsure which of the two statements were true.[Not a good sign: elites sowing confusion]
Americans are
most unsure about the false claim that U.S. Steel has announced plans to build
more than six steel plants in the United States. Just 12 percent of adults say
Trump’s claim is true, though fewer than one-quarter correctly identify the
true statement that U.S. Steel has announced plans to restart two blast
furnaces at one existing plant. Nearly two-thirds say they are unsure which
claim is true.
On climate
change, the survey shows fairly little debate. President Trump has repeatedly
suggested global warming is a hoax, only recently backtracking to say he thinks
it is occurring but not caused by humans. But 65 percent of adults endorse the
accurate statement that the global temperature has been increasing in recent
decades mainly because of human activity. By contrast, 19 percent endorse
a statement saying that temperatures have been rising because of natural
causes, not human activity. Again, strong Trump approvers are the outliers on
this question, with 51 percent siding with the inaccurate statement.
[To the degree this continues to be accurate, this is good news]
One result from
the survey suggests doubts about Trump’s honesty may lead some to be skeptical
of him when he says things that are true. Trump often accurately says that the
U.S. unemployment rate is at its lowest level in roughly 50 years, but less
than half of adults, 47 percent, believe this is true.
Partisans do
not always differ in their acceptance of inaccurate Trump statements.
Thirty-nine percent of Democrats believe Trump’s oft-repeated statement that
U.S. military spending is currently at a record high, narrowly higher than the
34 percent of Republicans who say this. Defense spending is currently lower
than a recent peak in 2010, as well as during World War II in
inflation-adjusted dollars.
Trump was
particularly careless with the truth at his raucous 2018 campaign rallies. The
Fact Checker evaluated two Trump campaign rallies in July and September and
found at least 70 percent of Trump’s factual assertions were false or
The Post poll
finds little connection between watching Trump’s rallies and believing his
false claims. Americans who report watching rallies on TV or in-person are
seven percentage points more likely than others to believe false claims made by
Trump, but rally watchers are also six points more apt to accurately identify
the true alternative claim to Trump’s falsehood.
About this
This Washington
Post Fact Checker poll was conducted Nov. 29-Dec. 10, 2018 among a sample of
1,025 adults interviewed through the AmeriSpeak Panel, the probability-based
panel of NORC at the University of Chicago. Interviews were conducted online
and by landline and cellular phones. The margin of error for overall results is
plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.
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