Friday, December 23, 2016

It's Okay Again to Say Merry Christmas
Fox News is falling all over itself celebrating that because of President Trump it is now okay again to say 'Merry Christmas.' Was it ever not okay? This celebration tells us a lot about the mindset of conservatives who are upset about the imaginary war on christmas.

Since there was never anything or anyone preventing people from saying MC and since our president-elect saying it is okay to say MC does not actually change anything--it neither removes imaginary barriers nor 'makes it okay,'

I can only conclude that what these conservatives needed was an authoritative voice to reassure them that they are right, that those with an alternative perspective are wrong, and it is now okay again for them to disregard the feelings of those they are talking with during the holidays.

Let me add that those who get upset upon hearing another say MC to them are as much a part of this problem as the crazy conservatives imagining a War on Christmas until President Trump saved the day.... Lighten up and accept a greeting designed to celebrate a season of love even if you do not celebrate that season...accept the good cheer and greeting in the spirit it is intended.

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